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Links of Interest

Hot KidneyAny information needs verification, including if it is information related to some specific exact sciences. For example, prime-essay.net and other resources can be used for this, but don't forget that they must be reliable.

Nuclear Medicine Sites

Society of Nuclear Medicine - www.snmmi.org

European Association of Nuclear Medicine - www.eanm.org

British Nuclear Medicine Society - www.bnms.org.uk


Urology / Nephrology Sites

International Society of Nephrology - www.isn-online.org

British Journal of Urology - www.bjui.org

Kidney International - www.blackwellpublishing.com/journals/KID

Journal of Urology - www.jurology.comPicture of Kidney


Other Sites of Interest

European Society of Urogential Radiology (ESUR) - www.esur.org

Nephron Information Centre (inc. on-line GFR calculators) - https://chasdiy.org/

Database of Dynamic Renal Scintigraphy- www.dynamicrenalstudy.org